
Mission Statement

A Centre of Excellence for Construction and Real Estate IT
The Mission Statement of the Construction & Real Estate IT Centre is:

The Centre of Excellence for Construction & Real Estate IT will co-ordinate and promote research in IT in Construction & Real Estate in Hong Kong to improve competitive performance of the Hong Kong construction and real estate industries in Hong Kong, China and the South East Asian region.
The centre emphasises information dissemination as well as research. Hong Kong’s close links with China and China’s rapidly developing industries give scope for a broad exploitation of the centre’s resources. The Centre is based at the University of Hong Kong but is run in collaboration with departments involved in real estate and construction at both the Hong Kong Polytechnic University and the City University.

The objectives of Construction & Real Estate IT are :  

  • establish a regional centre of excellence in Construction & Real Estate IT research
  • co-ordinate research
  • promote innovation
  • establish best current practice (benchmarking)
  • form a network with similar international research initiatives

The benchmarking exercise and establishment of the MSc course are short term priorities. Development of research collaboration is a short to medium term objective and the exploration of shared visions in strategy and policy and technology transfer are medium to long term objectives.