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Posted by on Jun 29, 2012 in SPR 2012, Underpinning Frameworks | 0 comments

Central: A “BET”TER LANE Bus Express Transit

Authors. CHOW Wing Ki Jacquelene, LI Xia Victor, LUONG Quang Vinh Vincent, YEUNG Hin Ho Hugo

This project aims to solve a pertinent transportation need of the Hong Kong population identified through survey analysis. There is considerable traffic congestion during peak hours in Hong Kong and our group proposes to extend the existing bus lane network to three of the main roads in Central to decrease the travel time for commuters from the Pokfulam area. A subsidiary problem identified was the uncertainty of the commuters about when the next bus will arrive. This issue will be addressed with solar-powered LED displays that outline the time at which the next bus will arrive. Because of these two solutions, the traffic to and from Central for Pokfulam commuters will be more streamlined, reducing idling and travel time for buses. At the same time, the LED displays reduce anxiety for the commuters waiting for their bus. Indirectly, this also has substantial contributions to the reduction of air pollution in Hong Kong due to the more efficient bus transit system. In the context of Hong Kong, this idea is feasible and easily implemented, and has already been proven successful in many other parts of the world.