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6The traditional source of energy in Hong Kong was wood, most of which had to be imported from Guangzhou.  We now have four (oil and coal fired) power stations, but as with materials, water and food, we have to import the large majority of our energy from China (Daya Bay nuclear power plant).  This allows us to ignore the environmental impact and cost to society, and all the attendant issues of pollution from fuel use.  But for how long?

Attempts have been made to establish sustainable energy sources such as a wind farm along the southern HK coastline, but these are not economically viable, and Government has no appetite for investing in expensive energy while cheap energy remains available just over the border.

Reducing energy demand is the only credible approach to achieving a more sustainable lifestyle for the city, but an increasing demand for personal environmental comfort (air conditioning), product consumerism (gadgets and their advertising) and the aspirations for a 24-hour city (night time lighting) make this seem like an impossible challenge.  We will need to agree to do this together.