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Posted by on Jun 29, 2012 in SPR 2012, Underpinning Frameworks | 0 comments

Tseung Kwan O to Tsim Sha Tsui East: Station in Green

Authors. CHAN Lok Yiu Jasmine, LEUNG Kin Ho, LIN Tsz Ngai Jimmy

As buses are one of the main modes of transportation in Hong Kong, and transportation is a major part of Hong Kong people’s lives, we decided to look at how transport by bus can be more sustainable than the current situation.

In this project, we chose a bus route to investigate, using each bus station as an
analysis point. We walked along the route of 796X, stopping at every bus stop and carried out a series of observations and simple experiments.

In general, we observed from the bus stop the special features around that we consider as having positive or negative effects on the condition of the bus stop. Six bus stops in which the environment contrasted with one another most significantly were chosen to carry out analysis of the air(by hanging a wet tissue for 10 minutes and looking at the greyness or dust stuck to it), noise(by ringing a bell and counting the steps one takes from the bell until it cannot be heard), environment(by counting the trees seen from the station), and pollution(by counting the number of cars passing by in 10 minutes).

After that, we put the features we observed in several categories, and also compared the experiment results. The most common problem of bus stops on this route was noticed, and at last, we came up with a new design for a greener bus stop, focusing on these aspects: energy, noise, air, environment, and living.