Launching of The Belt and Road Urban Observatory, 28 May 2016


Dhaka’s Research Visit, 7-12 January 2017


Presentations to the Hong Kong Trade Development Council (HKTDC), 31 May 2017

OBORobs Research Team did two presentations to HKTDC on the research findings of Thailand investment prospect on 31 May 2017. The Research Team comprised Dean Chris Webster, Prof. Rebecca L.H. Chiu, Mr. Alain Chiaradia, Dr. Jiangping Zhou, Dr. Weifeng Li, Dr. Xingjian Liu, Dr. Kyung- Min Nam, Dr. Darren Cheung, Dr. Wei Lang, Mr. Shouqiang Chen and Mr. Huagui Guo. The topics of the two presentations were “Investment Risk and Return in Thailand Cities”, and “Local and Global Economic Impacts of Transport and Energy Infrastructure Investment in Thailand” respectively.