Conferences, Symposiums, Public Forums


Date Conference Description
28 June 2021 APNHR 20th Anniversary Online Symposium 2021
28 September – 1 October 2020 ENHR Conference on “Unsettled Settlements: Housing in Unstable Contexts”
10-13 August 2020 (Postponed to 2021) 2020 APNHR Conference on “Housing Culture, Environment and Urban Development”
9 November 2019 Symposium on “Smart City Development: Planning and Design”
4 May 2019 Smart Planning Symposium
14 September 2018 Streetfight: Handbook for an Urban Revolution
7 September 2018 Planning Centrality, Market Instruments: Governing Chinese Urban Transformation Under State Entrepreneurialism
7 July 2018 Coping with Housing Challenges: Public and Social Housing in Hong Kong and Amsterdam
4 July 2018 The Design Dimension of Urban Planning
21 June 2018 OBORobs Symposium: Planning Livable Cities in the OBOR Region: Hong Kong and Dhaka
6-8 June 2018 2018 Joint APNHR and AHRC Conference
5 May 2018 Impacts of Hong Kong-Zhuhai-Macao Bridge on Hong Kong’s Strategic Plan
22 January 2018 Water as Leverage for Resilient Cities: Asia
19 January 2018 Bankrupt Cities? Financialized Governance in Detroit and Beyond
16 December 2017 Future Cities, City Futures: Hong Kong and the World
2 December 2017 Housing Symposium on Carrie Lam’s Housing Policy
7 November 2017 Symposium on the Future of Planning Education in China
18 January 2017 Planning for Agglomeration in Britain: from Greater London to the Northern Powerhouse
Spring 2017 (tentative) City Futures Workshop
5-7 Jan 2017 The 10th Asia GIS Conference 2017
17-19 Dec 2016 2016 APNHR Conference “Housing issues in a new epoch of urbanization”
3 Dec 2016 Symposium on Mega-City Region Development in China
28 May 2016 CUSUP 35th Anniversary Celebration –
Launching of The Belt and Road Urban Observatory and Public Lectures
27 May 2016 Symposium on Housing Trends and Demands in Ageing Hong Kong and mainland China
16-17 May 2016 International Symposium on Land Policy and Housing Market
7 May 2016 Professional Seminar Series –
Urban Development Strategies: Current Trends and Future Needs
30 Apr 2016 Public Seminar on Planning Strategies for Developing Hong Kong as a “Smart City”
20 Feb 2016 Town and Gown Seminar –
Housing, Urban and Social Development: the Tales of Singapore and Hong Kong
30 Jan 2016 Professional Seminar Series –
Future Public Open Space in Hong Kong: Planning, Design and Management
 18 Apr 2015 Public Seminar on The Matter of Fact-ory Is… – Industrial Land Use Changes in Response to Economic Restructuring in Hong Kong
 6-7 Mar 2015 The Speculative City – Emergent Forms and Norms of the Built Environment – An Interdisciplinary Symposium at HKU
7-9 Jan 2015 2015 Great China GIS Conference
 15 Nov 2014 Joint HKIP-RTPI Symposium 2014: Shaping the Future and Meeting Challenges
 19 Jul 2014 Public Seminar on Urban Governance, Land Supply, and Housing: Power, Politics, and Planning in England, Australia, and Hong Kong
 14 Mar 2014 Public Seminar on 100 years of Urban Planning – Centennial Celebration of RTPI at the University of Hong Kong
14-15 Dec 2013 International Conference on China’s Urban Transformation and Restructuring
19 Oct 2013 Public Forum on 2013 Long Term Housing Strategy: Building Sustainable Homes?
23 Feb 2013 Public Forum on Housing and Land in Hong Kong: Policies, Issues and Debates
10 Dec 2012 Affordable Housing Research Network (AHRN) Launching Symposium
7 Jan 2012 City Planning Forum: Taipei Challenge: New Planning initiatives
8-10 Dec 2011 2011 Asia Pacific Network for Housing Research (APNHR) Conference
– Neoliberalism and Urbanisation in Asia Pacific: Challenges and Opportunities for Housing
8 Jan 2011 Town and Gown Symposium – 30 Years of Urban Planning and Development in Hong Kong and China: Past, Present and Future
7-9 Dec 2010 International Conference on China Urban Development
18 Jun 2010 Exhibition and Seminar on Green Transport in Hong Kong, Asia’s World City, Shanghai, China
16-19 Aug 2009 10th Asian Urbanization Conference
16-18 Jun 2009 11th International Conference on Computers in Urban Planning and Urban Management (CUPUM)
10 Jan 2009 A Town and Gown Symposium – Hong Kong as a Sustainable World City: Planning, Housing and Design
5 Aug 2008 International Symposium on Mega-City Regions: Innovations in Governance and Planning