One Belt One Road Observatory (OBORobs)
Reference: Rebecca L. H. Chiu & Chris Webster (2019). One Belt One Road Observatory (OBORobs). Technology, Architecture + Design,
doi: 10.1080/24751448.2019.1571795. 
Rebecca L.H. Chiu, HKU
Chris Webster, HKU
Cluster 1 – Construction and transport development Investigators
Construction management: institution barriers, governance and workers’ wellbeing Steve Rowlinson, HKU (PI)
Mass transit systems: comparative development standards Guibo Sun, HKU (PI)
The governance structure of Public-Private Partnership (PPP) projects in OBOR countries Steve Rowlinson, HKU (PI)
Roine Leiringer, HKU
Enhancement of neighbourhood air quality through environmentally-friendly planning and design of new towns in Dhaka Weifeng Li, HKU (PI)
Rebecca L.H. Chiu, HKU
Shammi Akter Satu, Jahangirnagar University, Bangladesh
Cluster 2 – Mega infrastructure projects, connectivity and economic development Investigators
Growth and Distribution Impacts of Improved Inland Cross-border Connectivity along the China-Indochina BRI Corridor Kyung-min Nam, HKU (PI)
Mega infrastructure, multi-scale and multimode connectivity and wider economic impact Alain Chiaradia, HKU (PI)
Construction of a Eurasian multi-modal transport infrastructure network model Chris Webster, HKU (PI)
Alain Chiaradia, HKU
Weifeng Li, HKU
Xingjian Liu, HKU
Integration of policy study outcomes with development potential outcomes and policy innovation/transfer study outcomes to help raise the local economic and social value of Belt and Road infrastructure Chris Webster, HKU (PI)
Alain Chiaradia, HKU
Weifeng Li, HKU
Xingjian Liu, HKU
The construction of a multi-modal, multi-scale graph model for deriving network connectivity, accessibility and development potential indicators based on network statistics and public domain data to predict and explain externality effects Chris Webster, HKU (PI)
Alain Chiaradia, HKU
Weifeng Li, HKU
Xingjian Liu, HKU
Cluster 3 – Urban data platform Investigators
A common OBOR database



Jiangping Zhou, HKU (Project Coordinator)
Weifeng Li, HKU
Xingjian Liu, HKU
Kyung-Min Nam, HKU
Alain Chiaradia, HKU
Impacts of transport infrastructure on development based on open and new data: a case study of Thailand


Jiangping Zhou, HKU (Project Coordinator)
Weifeng Li, HKU
Xingjian Liu, HKU
Kyung-Min Nam, HKU
Alain Chiaradia, HKU
Cluster 4 – Cross-border development Investigators
Study of perceived impacts of cross-border infrastructure and tourism along the Sino-Nepal Friendship Highway under the Belt and Road Initiative Roger C.K. Chan, HKU (PI)
Kishan Datta Bhatta, Far Western University, Nepal
Tumen trans-border sub-region (China, Russia and N Korea): a developable totality? Xiaoxuan Lu, HKU (PI)
China’s borderlands in transition Xiaoxuan Lu, HKU (PI)
Cluster 5 – Livability: housing, environmental quality and transport oriented development Investigators
China’s infrastructure investment in Chittagong, Bangladesh Shenjing He, HKU (PI)
Guibo Sun, HKU (Co-I)
Examining The Environmental Quality Impact Resulting from Proposed Medium Rise Housing Development in Dhaka
(tentative PhD thesis)
Kabir Kazi, HKU (PI)
Weifeng Li, HKU
Housing affordability problems of the middle-income groups in Dhaka, Bangladesh: A policy environment analysis

Reference: Rebecca L. H. Chiu & Seong-Kyu Ha (2018). Housing policy, wellbeing and social development in Asia.

Chowdhury Md. Zaber Sadeque (PI)
Housing and livability: transferability of housing estate-based development from Hong Kong to OBOR cities Rebecca L.H. Chiu, HKU (PI)
Shenjing He, HKU
Franky Choi, HKU
Shammer Aktar Satu, Jahangirnagar University, Bangladesh
Livability in dense residential neighbourhoods of Dhaka
Reference: Satu, S.A., & Chiu, R.L.H. (2017). Livability in dense residential neighbourhoods of Dhaka. Housing Studies, doi: 10.1080/02673037.2017.1364711.
Shammi Aktar Satu, Jahangirnagar University, Bangladesh (PI)
Rebecca L.H. Chiu, HKU
Rural revitalization and green development in China and implications for Nepal Shenjing He, HKU (PI)
Transit and spatial development synergy in a developing city
(tentative PhD thesis)
Afsana Haque, HKU (PI)
Rebecca L.H. Chiu, HKU
Affordable housing strategy in the Dhaka Structure Plan 2016 – 2035: Supply side issues Rebecca L.H. Chiu, HKU (PI)
Darren Cheung, HKU
Subsidized housing policy and practices to Dhaka Rebecca L.H. Chiu, HKU (PI)
Shammi Aktar Satu, Jahangirnagar University, Bangladesh
Mandy Lau, HKU
Weijen Wang, HKU
Darren Cheung, HKU
Sustainable urban form, urban efficiency and spatial policy of Hong Kong and Dhaka Rebecca L.H. Chiu, HKU (PI)
Weifeng Li, HKU
Shammi Akter Satu, Jahangirnagar University, Bangladesh
Cluster 6 – Industrial development of land-locked cities Investigators
Local state entrepreneurialism and mega-project-based industrial development: a case study of Chongqing
(tentative PhD thesis)
Shouqiang Chen, HKU (PI)
Rebecca L.H. Chiu, HKU