
Assistant Director


*Member of CUSUP Committee of Management


Honorary Fellows

  • Prof. A.K.M. Abul KALAM (Department of Urban and Regional Planning, Jahangirnagar University)
  • Prof. Jimmy C.F. LEUNG (Department of Urban Planning and Design, HKU)
  • Prof. K.K. LING (Department of Urban Planning and Design, HKU)
  • Dr. Peter K.S. PUN (Vision Planning Consultants Ltd.)
  • Prof. Jianfa SHEN (Department of Geography and Resource Management, CUHK)
  • Dr. Winnie TANG (Founder and Chairman, Esri China (Hong Kong) Limited; Founder and Honorary President, Smart City Consortium)
  • Prof. Ophelia Y.S. WONG (Department of Urban Planning and Design, HKU)