The Construction & Real Estate IT Centre has been established in the Department of Real Estate & Construction at The University of Hong Kong. The University and its collaborators provide the organisational structure and day-to day management and involve industry participants in determining strategy. The Centre attracts membership from the property, construction and related fields in both public and private sectors. Its initial tasks include:
- benchmarking – industry standard setting by investigating current best practice
- publication of a regular members’ newsletter
- organisation of Construction & Real Estate IT Symposia
- identify, generate and participate in research projects
- establish links and information exchange with similar centres such as Salford University, UK and Stanford University, USA.
- establishment of a post graduate course in Construction and Real Estate IT
- dissemination of current information in Hong Kong and world wide developments
- promotion of technology transfer between Hong Kong and China, Europe, Japan and USA
- provide a forum to discuss Construction & Real Estate IT issues in Hong Kong and China
- undertake consultancy assignments on behalf of the construction industry, real estate industry and Government
- provide short “Service to Industry” courses targetting senior executives
- invite visiting scholars to join the Centre for short-term periods, during which they would disseminate research tools and findings, and initiate new work consistent with the Centre’s objectives