The Online RPGs Welcome Party 2020!


This academic year is a brand-new start to everyone and is given a nice wish for a recovered, safe, peaceful, harmonious and prosperous academic and social environment. With this good wish, we need to say good-bye to the last uneasy year and give warm welcome to our new blood to help them establish confidence and determination in harvesting a good academic life in our campus and in HK.

To help new RPGs better blend in with continuing students and set out new academic life, this event is aimed to provide an opportunity which new RPGs can meet and exchange ideas with faculty professors and interdepartmental students in an informal and relax manner. We also warmly welcome existing students to come, know new students and share your knowledge with them. The evening will be filled with ideas exchange and light refreshments. Please do not miss this opportunity to meet your fellow peers and colleagues in the faculty!


Details of the Online Welcome Party are as follows:

Date: Thursday, 24th September 2020

Time: from 5:30pm to 7:30pm

Venue: Zoom meeting


The deliberations of the Online RPG Welcome Party focused on the following themes:

Session 1

  1. Brief introduction and online community establishment by CIBHKU Student Chapter President
  2. Welcome remarks by the Dean Prof. Christopher Webster in the Faculty of Architecture
  3. Opening addresses by Prof. Wilson Lu from REC, Prof. Shenjing He from DUPAD and Prof. Beisi Jia from ARC department
  4. Brief overview of CIB and CIBHKU programs 2020-21 by CIB-Student Chapter President
  5. Q & A session

Session 2

  1. Self-introduction of old students
  2. Self-introduction of new students
  3. Ice-breaking games and surprised gifts
  4. Contact sharing among each other
  5. Closing



Professor Christopher Webster

The Dean, Faculty of Architecture

Professor Wilson Lu

The Associate Dean (Research) and the Director of iLab, Department of Real Estate and Construction, Faculty of Architecture

Professor Shenjing He

The Associate Dean (Research Postgraduate Studies), Department of Urban Planning and Design, Faculty of Architecture

Associate Professor Beisi Jia

The Joint Coordinator of W104-Open Building Implementation CIB and one of the founders of CIBHKU Student Chapter, Department of Architecture, Faculty of Architecture



CIBHKU Student Chapter

(CIB: International Council for Research and Innovation in Building and Construction)


Online welcome party photos: