Call for Papers – The 2018 International Conference on China Urban Development

Call for Papers

The 2018 International Conference on China Urban Development

Urban Transformation and ‘New Style’ Urbanisation in China

9-12 July 2018 University of Glasgow

Conference Theme


Urbanisation, industrialisation and globalisation have rapidly transformed China from an agricultural society into a global economic and industrial powerhouse in a short period of 30 years. China’s fast economic development and urban growth is, however, unbalanced across its regions and their impacts vary among different social groups. On the one hand, China hosts some of the world’s most impressive modern urban landscapes and some Chinese cities are among the most expensive places on earth to live. On the other hand, social division, income inequality, environmental pollution, traffic congestion, and ecological degradation poses serious problems for urban residents and major challenges for policy makers and urban planners.

Beginning with its 12th Five Year Plan (2010-2015), the Chinese government began to address these problems and embarked on an integrative and transformative strategy – ‘new style’ urbanisation. The emphasis of transformative development policy shifted from urban and rural segmentation towards urban-rural integration and equity, from economic and industrial development towards social development and societal integration, and from environmental degradation towards sustainable development and eco-cities. These ‘new style’ urbanisation policies were reinforced and refined by the Chinese Communist Party’s 19th Congress in October 2017 for ‘a New Era’ of ‘Socialism with Chinese Characteristics’.  They have important socio-economic, political, physical and environmental implications for cities. New patterns of land use and economic activities, new communities, and new arrangements for social and residential management begin to emerge. Chinese cities today provide dynamic urban laboratories in which new theories, policies and practices are developed and tested.

This conference continues the series of International Conferences on Urban Development in China, previously held in Cardiff, Hong Kong, Shanghai and London. It will bring together researchers from urban studies, geography, sociology, political science, urban planning, urban management and public policy as well as China studies, and from different parts of the world, to share research findings on processes of urban transformation. It will provide a platform to explore the multiple dimensions of urban development in China, and the special features of recent development and their implications for existing theories.

Conference Topics


Papers on the following topics are particularly welcomed:

  • Urbanisation, urban clusters and urban agglomeration
  • Suburbanisation, urban-rural relations and integration
  • Demographic changes and generation cohort differences
  • Migration and migrants, urban labour market and employment
  • Economic development, innovation, industrial restructuring and upgrading
  • Housing and real estate development
  • Financial tools of urban system
  • Neighbourhood/community changes and residential patterns
  • Neighbourhood design and liveability
  • Urban governance, community (shequ) construction and management
  • Inequality, social and spatial division/segregation and integration
  • Urban social policy and public services provision
  • Urban villages, informality, redevelopment and gentrification
  • Smart cities, eco-cities, sustainable cities and ‘dream towns’, city marketing
  • Urban big data implication and new research methodologies


Confirmed Keynote Speakers

Professor Jane Duckett, University of Glasgow, UK

Professor Chaolin Gu, Tsinghua University, Beijing, China

Professor John Logan, Brown University, Rhode Island, USA

Professor Fulong Wu, University College London, UK


Scientific Advisory Committee

Professor Jie Chen, Shanghai University of Finance and Economics

Professor Yanwei Chai, Beijing University

Professor Rebecca Chiu, The University of Hong Kong

Professor Bojie FU, President of Chinese Geographical Society

Professor Canfei He, Beijing University

Professor Shenjing He, The University of Hong Kong

Professor Youqin Huang, University at Albany, SUNY

Professor George C.S. Lin, The University of Hong Kong

Professor Cathy Liu, Georgia State University

Professor Si-ming Li, Hong Kong Baptist University

Professor Xun Li, Sun Yat-Sen University

Professor Zhigang Li, Wuhan University

Professor Yuemin Ning, East China Normal University

Dr Yun Qian, Beijing Forest University

Professor Jianfa Shen, The Chinese University of Hong Kong

Professor Lei Shao, Tsinghua University

Professor Donggen Wang, Hong Kong Baptist University

Professor Cecilia Wong, Manchester University

Professor Weiping Wu, Colombia University

Professor Kaizhong Yang, Capital University of Economics and Business Beijing

Professor Anthony Yeh, The University of Hong Kong


Conference Language:



Conference Schedule and Important Dates

  • 31 March 2018: Abstract Submission Deadline (Submission form at end of this Call)
  • 30 April 2018: End of Early Bird Registration
  • 31 May 2018: End of Regular Registration
  • 30 June: Full Paper Deadline
  • 9th to 12th of July: Conference and post-conference field trips


Registration fee

  • Early Bird fee: £150
  • Standard fee: £200
  • Discounted fee for students/unwaged delegates: £80



University of Glasgow (College of Social Sciences, Urban Studies, Scottish Centre for China Research, Urban Big Data Centre and GCRF Centre for Sustainable, Healthy and Learning Cities and Neighbourhoods)



University of Sheffield (Sheffield Methods Institute)

China Academy of Social Sciences – CASS (Institute of Urban Development and Environmental Studies)

Nankai University (Zhou En-lai School of Government)


Conference Sponsors

ESRC (Economic and Social Research Council, UK)

GCRF (Global Challenge Research Fund, RCUK)

Urban Studies Journal

College of Social Sciences, University of Glasgow

The Confucius Institute at the University of Glasgow



Sir Charles Wilson Building, University of Glasgow.


Conference Contact Email address: (please email your abstract form to this address)




University of Glasgow Organising Committee

Professor Ya Ping Wang; Professor Jane Duckett; Professor Keith Kintrea; Professor Piyushimita Thakuriah; Dr Jing Yao; Dr Julie Miao; Dr Yu Wang; Mr Keith Maynard