CIB-HKU Student Chapter

CIB-HKU Student Chapter

CIB-HKU Student Chapter is a student chapter of an international research council – International Council for Research and Innovation in Building and Construction (CIB), supported by the Faculty of Architecture, Hong Kong University. It aims to promote discussions and debates on general issues and cutting edge research trends in Architecture, Engineering, Construction and Real Estate domains. All RPG students in the Faculty of Architecture are automatically members in CIB-HKU Student Chapter!

CIB World

CIB previously stood for “Conseil International du Bâtiment”, today it is known as the “International Council for Research and Innovation in Building and Construction“.

It is an international research council which provides a global network for international exchange and cooperation in research and innovation in building and construction in support of an improved building process and of improved performance of the built environment. CIB today consists of a world wide network of over 5000 experts from about 500 member organisations active in the research community, in industry or in education, who cooperate and exchange information in over 50 CIB Commissions covering all fields in building and construction related research and innovation. It can be asserted that at present CIB is the world’s foremost platform for international cooperation and information exchange in the area of building and construction research and innovation.

For more information


The intention of this new Chapter is to promote discussion and debate on general issues and cutting edge research trends in Architecture, Engineering, Construction and Real Estate domains (AECR). It will provide an outstanding platform for researchers to contribute and enhance their contribution to Knowledge. All current Research Postgraduate Students (RPGs) would automatic become our members. External prospective are also welcomed to join our Chapter.

Membership of the CIB Student Chapter provides the following benefits to people:

  • access the relevant sources of information through the network with the CIB;
  • make contact with other researchers and research students at international level;
  • have a reliable and effective access point to the global research community;
  • improve your own performance through international cooperation and information exchange;
  • attend workshops/seminars and social activities organized by the CIB Student Chapter.

Members will also be informed of any latest information or activities organized by the Chapter through e-mail, newsletter and this website.

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