Call for Papers: EPOC 2018 Conference

Conference Announcement and Call for Papers

Engineering Project Organization Conference (EPOC) 2018


June 25-27, 2018 – Brijuni, Croatia Extended Abstracts Due: December 4, 2017

Sponsored by the Engineering Project Organization Society (

In 2018, the Engineering Project Organization Society will host the 2018 conference from June 25-27 near Pula, Croatia on the island of Brijuni. We aim to make EPOC 2018 a unique conference that will bring together scholars and practitioners from different research traditions including engineering design, project management, innovation, and organizations. Attendees will have the opportunity to present research findings; have in-depth exchanges on emerging research, and network at the highest-level of the academic community. Our shared system-level goal is to further our collective understanding of engineering projects as a form of organizing. In so doing, we aim to advance the debate on organizational mechanisms necessary to design and govern these enterprises, and how and to what extent their performance can be traced back to organizing.

As in the past, we encourage authors to bring in social and organization science perspectives and grounded empirical experience and observations into the study of project organizations. This broad approach to project organization research has always framed the EPOC conferences and continues to frame EPOC 2018. Recently, our community identified several Grand Challenges, or ambitious goals that address global problems, as a means of guiding future research efforts. To reflect these goals, the overall theme for the conference this year is (Re)organizing in an Uncertain Climate. Papers are invited but are not restricted to the following Grand Challenge areas, many of which align with EPOC tracks in the past:

  •   The New Project Manager: Research on enhancing the education, experience and decision- making capability of inter- and intra-firm actors, as well as developing their competencies in boundary spanning and leadership roles;
  •   Project Networks: Research on the various organizational networks found on engineering projects, including supply chain, communication and collaboration networks, and how they may be leveraged to improve short and long-term performance;
  •   Innovation and Growth Strategies: Research on organizational processes and culture that thrive in complex or uncertain project environments, including organizational learning, knowledge management and agile collaboration;
  •  Systems Integration: Research on concepts, methods and tools with a holistic perspective on product or organizational design, and those that link project value to the broader surrounding context including the sociological, economic, environmental, and political dimensions;
  •   Lifecycle Value and Governance: Research on managing and executing a long-term, lifecycle- focused vision for engineering project organizations.

EPOC 2018 is being held at the Brijuni National Park resort in Croatia. This conference venue provides be a unique opportunity for delegates and families to combine a rich research experience with plenty of opportunities to network at the highest academic and practitioner levels, and time to enjoy themselves and have fun. The location allows for afternoon bike riding, hiking, boating, snorkeling and other family activities to unwind and engage in conversation. The conference dates allow for a very family-friendly atmosphere due to the regional attractions, Midsummer timing and weather.

Conference Fee
The conference fee is all-inclusive, including conference, lodging, and meals. The €1,200 for private room. See Website for additional lodging options and student rates.


Submission Instructions are on the conference Website Website:

Extended Abstracts due Monday 4 December, 2017
Include the following sections:
Research Problem Statement or Purpose, Brief Research Methodology and Approach, Key Findings, and Implications (1250-1500 words total)
Jan 8: Abstract Notification
Apr 1: Full Papers Due
May 15: Final Paper Due

All Questions regarding the conference can be sent to and you will be directed to the correct committee member. Paul Chinowsky and Anita Ceric are serving as the Conference Chairs while Iva Kovacic and Bryan Franz are serving as the Technical Co-Coordinators.