New Year Socializing Party 2018 in FOA

Dear All,

Happy New Year! The CIB-HKU Student Chapter invites you to attend a fun gathering to kick off 2018!!! All are welcome to this party.

Details of the New Year Socializing are as follows:

Date: Wednesday, 07 February 2018

Time: From 7:00pm

Venue: KB 715, 7/F Knowles Building

Light dinner will be served.


This event will provide the platform for you to meet with other students in the faculty – your peers, as well as colleagues in senior years – and some other faculty members. This will be a fun evening to get to know others, grab a bite, have a chat and get acquainted with the people around. You can also use this as an opportunity to share and bounce ideas off others, and that could help in you broadening your research ideas as the year unfolds. As part of this event, you are also welcomed to suggest some exciting social or research-oriented events for the CIB-HKU Student Chapter to consider and possibly implement.

Proposed line-up

1)    Opening address by Dean of our Faculty, Prof. Chris Webster

2)    Brief speech by Associate Dean (Research) of our Faculty, Dr. Wilson W.S Lu

3)    Short address by CIB Student Chapter Advisors (Professor K.W. Chau and Dr. Beisi Jia)

4)    Remarks by Miss Sujuan Zhang, President of the CIB-HKU Student Chapter

5)    Social Interactions (Party)

6)    Closing