Messages from Vice Presidents

Kwadwo Oti-Sarpong
Department of Real Estate and Construction

Welcome to the CIB Student Chapter at the University of Hong Kong. We are glad to have you with us, and we hope to have an exciting future with you, developing novel ideas for construction and the built environment in the 21st century. Based on this aspiration, the academic year is brimming with some very exciting activities aimed at stimulating three key things: research skills development, inter-disciplinary and cross-institutional collaboration. Expect seminars, talks and workshops that will unleash, and help harness the innovative ideas you have conceived into actionable research agenda. If you want to go fast, go alone. If you want to go far, go together.” – African Proverb. The Working Committee of the Student Chapter invites you all aboard to make this year a success. Together, we can synergise our knowledge and effort to reach unimaginable heights.

Shi Wei
Department of Architecture

The CIB-HKU student chapter is one of the most important student academic groups in the faculty of architecture of HKU. I am very proud that our students and members are always sufficient passion on promoting the development of our chapter and helping to improving students’ academic abilities. In the passed years, a lot of our members were paying very much effort on housting research seminars of Phd students, organizing academic exchange trips with other CIB chapters, including The Hong Kong Polytechnic University and Shenzheng Univerity. And in this year, our chapter is successfully work as the co-organizer to host an international conference about architecture design. In this progress, the members of our chapter learned how to deal with a conference. And our students have a great change to learn the design ideas from all around the world. In the further years, I hope our chapter can host more academic activities, which can work as the most important platform of academic communication and practice court of new research students. In the welcome part of this year, I saw so many passion and vitality new-faces. It is so happy to know you all. Looking at your faces, which are full of hopes and brightness, I have a lot confidence that our CIB-HKU chapter will have a new leap of progress in the further two years with the efforts from all of you. At the least, welcome all research students from our faculty to join us! It will be absolutely one of the most important chances and changes for improving your academic abilities!