The Hong Kong PolyU CIB Student Chapter

The Faculty of Construction and Environment (FCE) of the Hong Kong Polytechnic University (HKPolyU) has been registered as a Member of CIB and established a research community for our research students – The HKPolyU’s CIB Student Chapter (HKPolyU’s CIBSC). The HKPolyU’s Student Chapter of CIB is an organization with the intent to develop the desire, on the part of students, to become more involved with the international construction research community. The Chapter is designed to provide a forum for sharing and discussing research-related issues in construction management and technology. It aims to bring together both undergraduate and postgraduate students to develop research interests and meaningful exchange between the entire spectrum of building and construction and with the global research community.


HKPolyU CIBSC Newsletter

Know more about PolyUCIBSC, please go to the official website: http://cibsc.bre.polyu.edu.hk.