
Kaili Summer Camp Poster 0523Dates: August 4 – 18, 2014
Location: Pu Er & Yu Xi, Yunnan Province
Led by Yan Gao, Weijen Wang



  1. Students will experience the current Village modernization (新农村建设) in China through the educational and research activities for exploiting new vernacular architecture that synthesizes the innovative design and the new technologies with the traditional craftsmanship, based upon the study of the minority culture and local architectural context in Pu Er & Yu Xi region of Yunnan Province;
  2. Students will learn both the knowledge and the skills on how to apply data collection, analysis and management in the architectural practice that leads to full scale constructions in the villages.
  3. Students are expected to practice data-based diagraming and modelling to collective houses for experimeting systematic methodologies with digital tools and techniques.


  1. 通過教學及研究的方式,參與中國的新農村建設,讓學生體驗新農村建設過程中在尊重已有文脈基礎上的設計創新和新技術與傳統工藝的綜合應用;
  2. 教授學生在建築設計和建造方面,利用數據處理、數位化、運算化工具,進行設計創新和實現的知識與技能;
  3. 拓展參與學者在數據視覺化和資訊模型應用于聚落建築物的領域,並系統化實驗相關的新技術、新技能。


  1. Academic staff will lead the teams for site surveying and data processing
  2. Integration of traditional craftsmanship and data-based diagraming
  3. Site visit to the rural regions with rich local culture mixed of traditions and emerging modernities
  4. Participation of some mock-up constructions alongside the site study


  1. 以老師引導探索式研究的方式,讓學生從中學到知識和技能;
  2. 結合數據視覺化圖式和鄉土的構造做法及材料;
  3. 師生到農村現場調研瞭解雲南地區鄉土建築的建築文化和建造過程;
  4. 根據設計研究的方案在雲南當地參與建造嘗試。