by Wilson Lu | Nov 23, 2020 | General, Uncategorized
近日,香港大学一众明星教授组成的研究团队收到好消息,他们申请的香港特区政府创新科技署(Innovation and Technology Commission, ITC)项目获得资助,研发基于区块链、BIM及物联网的建筑物流及供应链管理平台。 01 项目信息项目名称 基于区块链、建筑信息模型及物联网的面向香港建筑业多持份者的物流及供应链管理平台研发(ITP/029/20LP)英文名称 “BIMSquare”: Blockchain and i-Core-enabled Multi-stakeholder Building...
by Wilson Lu | Nov 23, 2020 | General, Uncategorized
We received the Construction Industry Council (CIC) BIM achievement award 2020. Prof. George Huang (Chair Professor, Dept. of IMSE, HKU), Prof. Wilson Lu (Professor, Dept. of REC, HKU), Dr Ray Zhong (Assistant Professor, Dept. of IMSE, HKU), and Dr David Leung (LSCM)...
by Wilson Lu | Oct 16, 2020 | General, Uncategorized
Every year the University commissions a search to identify the top 1% scholars at HKU. This list recognizes HKU researchers ranked by Clarivate Analytics in the top 1% worldwide by citations in at least one of the 22 research fields. Data is drawn from Essential...
by Wilson Lu | Mar 4, 2020 | General, Uncategorized
The iLab team won two HKU Small Equipment Grants in this round (2019/20): Collaborative Industrial Robotics for Computer-integrated Smart Construction ($900,000, PI: Prof. Wilson Lu) Mobile Color LiDAR Scanners ($760,000, PI: Dr. Frank Xue) The Grants aim to support...
by Wilson Lu | Feb 20, 2020 | General, Uncategorized
A research grant was granted to iLab by the Hong Kong Environment and Construction Fund (ECF) 2019-2020. The details of the project are: Project Title: Big data-based “AI inspector” for gauging inert contents at the off-site construction waste sorting...
by Wilson Lu | Feb 12, 2020 | Awards, General, Uncategorized
A paper by iLab professors and researchers was selected as the winner of the 2018-2019 Research Output Prize. Fan Xue, Weisheng Lu, Christopher J. Webster, Ke Chen. (2019). A derivative-free optimization-based approach for detecting architectural symmetries from 3D...