On Nov 1, 2021, iLab was awarded the Silver Award in the Training/Research Institute category at the Hong Kong CIC Construction Digitalisation Award (CDA) 2021.

CIC Construction Digitalisation Award 2021 was organized by Hong Kong Construction Industry Council (CIC). It is the first time for CIC to organize the CDA after a series of other prestigious awards such as the CIC Construction Innovation Award, the CIC BIM Competition. The CDA is a big event in the Hong Kong construction industry. There are two major categories in the CDA 2021, the project category and organization category. With more than 100 submissions, there are finally 20 projects and organizations being awarded. For more information of the award, please visit https://cdaward.cic.hk/.

For the Organization category, there are six sub-categories, i.e., Client, Consultant, Contractor Category A, Contractor Category B, Start-up Company and Training/Research Institute. iLab was awarded Silver Award in the Training/Research Institute category, with Hong Kong University of Science and Technology won the Gold Award, the Architectural and Civil Engineering Department at City University of Hong Kong and Transcendence Company Limited won the Bronze Award.