Prof. Wilson Lu and iLab received the visit by delegation from Shenzhen University on 2 August 2023
This delegation, formed by 8 PhD/MSc students and Research Assistants, was led by Dr WU Huanyu (assistant professor) at Shenzhen University (SZU). Members exchanged the fascinating research projects at SZU and HKU with regards to construction waste management and...
Prof. Wilson Lu was invited to speak on the International Conference on Modular Integrated Construction (MiC) in CIExpo 2022
The topic I shared on the Conference is about MiC logistics and supply chain management with a focus on its quality assurance and quality control, which has been much disrupted by the covid-19 pandemic time. We have a solution called MiC trilogy (MiC 三寶) based on BIM...
Prof. Wilson Lu was interviewed by the South China Morning Post (SCMP) to talk about escalating construction cost in Hong Kong
...When the property prices decline, developers tend to be conservative when it comes to land bidding, " said Wilson Lu, a professor in the Department of Real Estate and Construction at the University of Hong Kong. ... Lu said the construction industry is...
[An article for HKICM] Construction waste management in the Greater Bay Area: Prospects and challenges for construction managers
Construction waste management in the Greater Bay Area: Prospects and challenges for construction managers Dr Wilson Lu Associate Professor, Department of Real Estate and Construction; Associate Dean (Research), Faculty of Architecture, The University of Hong Kong,...
(星島日報)港建築填料短缺 跨區共享求助深穗
近年機場三跑、明日大嶼等填海工程項目增加,讓用以填海的惰性建築廢料需求上升,惟建築業界向《星島日報》坦言,現時本地供應量有限,其因可歸咎於重用建築廢料的誘因不足,部分承建商寧付較貴的堆填費,亦不肯騰出人手、空間篩選廢料。填料短缺,衍生跨區共享的需求,有學者指,深圳、廣州等鄰近地區均有商家冀將建築廢料供港,但工程師提醒,香港對填海物料質量要求較高,須篩出含雜質或受污染的物料,本港接收內地廢料前應先建立互認標準,以確保填料質素。 To read more, click...
Towards zero waste smart cities in the Greater Bay Area – Establishing a Waste Trade Organisation (WTO) for construction waste materials
I held a press conference on 28 March 2019. More information can be seen from
I commented on Hong Kong’s long term construction waste management strategy, featured in South China Morning Post (SCMP)
Hong Kong exported more construction waste to mainland China than it sent to city’s own facilities in 2017
I commented on open big data for smart city, featured in South China Morning Post (SCMP)
Hong Kong government needs to improve access to public sector data to realise smart city ambition, academics say. Dr Wilson Lu Weisheng, associate dean for research and knowledge exchange at the University of Hong Kong’s architecture faculty, said government bodies...
I commented on construction waste management public policies in Hong Kong, featured in South China Morning Post (SCMP)
Dr Wilson Lu Weisheng, who studies construction waste issues at the University of Hong Kong’s department of real estate and construction, said the increase in absolute volume of construction waste generated and the ratio sent to landfills in recent years, was...
I commented on Building Information Modelling (BIM) development in Hong Kong, featured in South China Morning Post (SCMP)
... Dr Wilson Lu, who conducts research on BIM at the University of Hong Kong’s department of real estate and construction, said the local construction sector was notoriously slow in embracing change. “Local practitioners are very clear about that. They earn good...