This is the first time for Prof. Lu to visit Tianjin University and Tianjin municipality.

Two departments, including College of Management and Economics and Department of Hydraulic and Hydro-power Engineering, have a traditional link with us. They consistently sent graduates and young staff to us for doing PhD or Post-Doctoral Fellow (PDF) based on the “China Network” established 20 years ago. This trip Prof. Lu met with Prof. Shuibo Zhang, who was a PhD graduated from REC around 2000 year and is now a leader in construction and engineering management in China. He also met with some faculty members who have graduated from REC recently.

Prof. Lu then gave a talk on “BIM, i-Core, and blockchain for cross-border modular construction logistics and supply chain management” in the Department of Hydraulic and Hydro-power Engineering.

He also visited the Large-Scale Scientific Instrument – the 1.5 billion “National Facility for Earthquake Engineering Simulation”