The Ronald Coase Centre for Property Rights Research (RCCPRR) was transformed from the Centre for Real Estate and Urban Economics (CREUE). The transformation was endorsed by the 1991 Nobel laureate in Economics Science, Professor Ronald Coase who kindly agreed to give his support to further the Centre’s empirical research initiatives by granting his consent for it to be named after him as RCCPRR. The Centre was formally renamed in February 2013. The renamed Centre has an expanded scope of activities and a new Management Committee that involves the Faculty of Law and the Faculty of Business and Economics, in addition to the Faculty of Architecture. The renamed center serves as a platform for bringing together researchers (within and outside of HKU) from different disciplines to undertake interdisciplinary research.

Portrait of Duncan Black painted by Ronald Coase certified by Steven N. S. Cheung as authentic.

Duncan Black by Ronald H Coase – Cheung