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Public Forum: Mechanisms to Unleash Development Potential of Privately Owned Land in the New Territories

August 18, 2018 @ 2:30 pm - 5:30 pm

Due to various land management and historical problems, development rights of more than 4,000 ha privately owned land in the New Territories have been held up in the past decades.  This public forum aims to explore some possible fair and transparent mechanisms to unleash the development potentials in the New Territories. Registration Invited speakers and participants will discuss, inter alia, two institutional innovations namely “land readjustment” and “land bonds”.  Comments received in the public forum will form…

The Theory of Share Tenancy: After 50 Years 《佃農理論》五十年研討會

July 25, 2017 - July 26, 2017

Half a century ago at the University of California, Los Angels, Steven N.S. Cheung submitted his Ph.D. thesis, “The Theory of Share Tenancy”. Provocative and original, backed up by unambiguous empirical evidence, the Theory of Share Tenancy quickly launched its author to stardom and an extraordinary career. A prestigious post-doctoral fellowship at the University of Chicago came in 1967 (even before the thesis was finished); the same institution, a year later, made Cheung assistant professor of economics, only quickly lost him to…

11th Conference on Planning, Law and Property Rights 2017 – Institutional Innovations in Land Development and Planning in 20th and 21st Centuries

July 19, 2017 - July 24, 2017

Keynote Speakers: Prof. Rachelle Alterman, Technion – Israel Institute of Technology Prof. Yoram Barzel, The University of Washington Dr. Richard Sandor, Environmental Financial Products LLC and The University of Chicago Law School Urban planning and land development legislative frameworks in the developed economies evolved constantly during the 20th century, changing roughly every decade in the UK for example. In fast urbanising Asia, governments are rapidly putting into place their own institutions to support the conversion of agricultural land and adaptation of redundant…

Seminar on Scottish Land Reform – A Property Rights Approach to Urban Regeneration?

May 11, 2016 @ 2:30 pm - 4:00 pm

Speaker: Prof. David Adams, Ian Mactaggart Chair of Property and Urban Studies, The University of Glasgow All are welcome. Abstract This seminar will explore current debates around urban land reform in Scotland and especially its potential to overcome ownership constraints to urban redevelopment. It will explore four particular recommendations recently made by the Scottish Government’s Land Reform Review Group, drawing on international land policy experience, including some lessons from Hong Kong. These recommendations involve the introduction of statutory rights of…

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