Individual or Group Research awards

We won the Bronze Medal from the 48th International Exhibition of Inventions Geneva!

We won the Bronze Medal from the 48th International Exhibition of Inventions Geneva!

The winning entry is the MiC Three Treasures: [Digest from the HKU Press Release]: 1. Remote e-Inspection System for the Manufacturing and Delivery of Offsite Modular Construction This e-Inspection System is a Modular Construction Supply Chain Quality Assurance system that includes i-Core (an loT device attached to each MC module to monitor the...

Our iLab won the 2022 Hong Kong ICT Smart Logistics Gold Award

Our iLab won the 2022 Hong Kong ICT Smart Logistics Gold Award

Press release from HKU Building houses faster and safer for relieving the pressing housing shortage problem of Hong Kong The Remote e-Inspection System for Cross Border MiC Logistics system developed by Prof. Wilson Lu, Director of the iLab of the Faculty of Architecture together with...

Resources, Conservation & Recycling (RCR) Best Paper Award 2021

Resources, Conservation & Recycling (RCR) Best Paper Award 2021

The annual Best Paper Awards recognize high-quality, high-impact papers published in Resources, Conservation & Recycling (RCR). The awards are selected based on scholarly merits by an Award Committee consisting of members of the Editorial Board. Among the 689 papers RCR published in 2021, three research and three review articles were selected...

buildingSMART International Awards 2021

buildingSMART International Awards 2021

A team led by Professor Wilson Lu, Dr Frank Xue (Assistant Professor) and Dr Jinying Xu (Post-Doctoral Fellow) at iLab, Faculty of Architecture, The University of Hong Kong (HKU) won the buildingSMART International (bSI) Awards 2021 in the “Professional Research” category. Their project is called “OpenBIM: Opening the gate for BIM and blockchain...

CIC Construction Digitalisation Award 2021

CIC Construction Digitalisation Award 2021

On Nov 1, 2021, iLab was awarded the Silver Award in the Training/Research Institute category at the Hong Kong CIC Construction Digitalisation Award (CDA) 2021. CIC Construction Digitalisation Award 2021 was organized by Hong Kong Construction Industry Council (CIC). It is the first time for CIC to organize the CDA after a series of other...

Supervision awards

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