A research team led by Prof. Wilson Lu (Chair Professor and Head of Department of REC), joined by co-investigators including Prof. Anthony Yeh (DUPAD), Mr. KL Tam, Prof. Frank Xue (REC), Prof. Zhan Zhao (DUPAD), Prof. Tan Tan (REC), Dr Junjie Chen (REC), Dr Mike Wu (REC), and several others has been awarded a Hong Kong Innovation and Technology Commission (ITC) Public Sector Trial Scheme (PSTS-ITF) project: e-TranStar 2.0: i-Core-enabled Smart Just-in-Time (JIT) MiC Transportation Planning (ITT/004/24LP), HK$3.73m.

Funded by the ITC through the Logistics and Supply Chain MultiTech R&D Centre (LSCM), the research project aims to develop a Smart Platform for JIT MiC (Modular integrated Construction) Transportation Planning and Delivery. It is built upon an in-house award-winning technology called ‘i-core’ and a previously funded ITF project (ITP/029/20LP) using BIM and blockchain technologies for MiC logistics and supply chain management.


The Government Housing Bureau has provided enormous support during the project application and enlisted its iconic MiC housing project at Anderson Road as the test bed for this research. On 11 April 2024, the representatives including Prof. Wilson Lu, Prof. Zhan Zhao, and Dr Mike Wu met leadership of Housing Bureau including Secretary of Housing Ms Winne Ho, Deputy Director (Development & Construction) of Hong Kong Housing Authority Mr. Daniel Leung, Chairman of Construction Industry Council (CIC) Mr. Thomas Ho, and representatives from Development Bureau, ITC, CIC, and other bodies. The meeting was for discussing the R&D arrangement based on the MiC project. It also served as a ‘kick-off ceremony’ of the research project. Apparently, that was a joyful meeting!