iLab had the great pleasure to welcome the delegates from the Highways Department (HyD) led by Jimmy Chan, Director of Highways on 23 February 2024 (Friday). This visit was joined by Ar Prof. Ada Fung, Former Deputy Director of Housing, Hong Kong Housing Authority (HKHA) of HKSAR, and Dr Louis Chu (Deputy Director of Estate Office, HKU), and iLab members including Prof. Frank Xue, Dr Junjie Chen, and Dr Mike Wu.

We discussed the potential use of Modular Integrated Construction (MiC) “Three Treasure” (三寶) (i.e., blockchain-based e-InStar for remote e-inspection, e-TranStar for MiC cross-border logistics, and e-InstalStar for MiC onsite installation) in highways projects, which are also embracing MiC or offshore modularity and prefabrication principles. We also explored whether the awarding winning i-Core technology (e.g., for monitoring large-scale precast construction components) can be implemented in highway projects. The delegates explored how digital technologies can facilitate people to comply with construction regulations and best practices to avoid the poor OHS in the construction industry.

The visit was wrapped by following an iLab tour and photo taking. Further collaboration will be explored between iLab and the HyD.